Marc Gittler, Patrick Greifzu (DHL)

Marc Gittler, Vice President Data Analytics Post | Deutsche Post DHL

Patrick Greifzu, Senior Manager Digitalization / Process Optimization | Deutsche Post DHL


How to add Process Mining to the Auditors’ toolbox


Marc as the Vice President and Patrick as Senior Manager Data Analytics Post at Deutsche Post DHL Group uses Process Mining for Business Process Optimization, Digitalization Projects and Internal Audit Reviews for the last five years. Together they have over 20 years of experience in leading Internal Audit teams and development of methodology’s for data driven audit approaches.

They have integrated process mining into DHL’s audit process to improve both the time spent for the analysis and the depth of the information audited. This hypothesis free approach provides a new tool set for auditors to identify unknown process risks.

Before they joined DPDHL they gained audit experience in the financial sector.