SUNDAY, June 23, 2019 – RWTH PADS
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Doctoral Consortium ICPM 2019
The Doctoral Consortium runs from 10:30 until 17:00 on Sunday, June 23rd at the RWTH Informatik Center, Ahornstr. 55, Aachen, B-it room 5053.2a.
The ICPM Doctoral Consortium aims to provide PhD students feedback on students’ research methods and plans. The following PhD proposals have been accepted to be presented at the Doctoral Consortium.
- Amin Yazdi – Enabling Operational Support in the Research Data Life cycle
- Jongchan Kim – Enhancing the quality of predictions in predictive business process monitoring
- Niyi Ogunbiyi and Artie Basukosk – A Context-Aware Process Monitoring Predictive Model
- Julio Cesar Carrasquel – Formal Modelling and Validation of Stock Trading Systems Behavior: A Petri Net Approach
- Ruud van Cruchten, Hans Weigand and Eddy Vaassen – Data Quality in Process Mining: A rule-based approach
- Rashid Zaman and Marwan Hassani – Process Mining Meets GDPR Compliance: The Right to be Forgotten as a Use Case
Boudewijn van Dongen will chair the Doctoral Consortium.
- 10:30-11:00 coffee
- 11:00-12:30 Presentations of the 6 PhD proposals (no questions yet, write them down for after the break)
- 12:30-13:30 lunch
- 13:30-15:00 Questions and answers / feedback to the PhD candidates (+/- 20 minutes per candidate)
- 15:00-15:30 coffee
- 15:30-17:00 Questions and answers / feedback to the PhD candidates (+/- 20 minutes per candidate)
The doctoral Consortium Jury consists of Claudio Di Ciccio, Jan Claes, Benoit Depaire, Boudewijn van Dongen, Marcello La Rosa, and Jorge Munoz-Gama. RWTH Informatik, Ahornstr.55, Aachen, B-it room 5053.2a.
MONDAY, June 24, 2019 – Room – Club Lounge 1
(Research Day 1)
09:00-10:30 OPENING & KEYNOTE (Opening by the General Chair and PC Chairs)
- Wil van der Aalst, 20 Years of Process Mining Research – Accomplishments, Challenges, and Open Problems
- Opening slides ICPM 2019 – PDF
- Wil van der Aalst: 20 years of workflow Petri nets, initiating the biggest success story of Petri nets – PDF
11:00-12:30 DATA PRE-PROCESSING (Session Chair: Massimiliano de Leoni)
- Stephan A. Fahrenkrog-Petersen, Han van der Aa and Matthias Weidlich, PRETSA: Event Log Sanitization for Privacy-aware Process Discovery
- Sim Sunghyun, Bae Hyerim and Choi Yulim, Likelihood-based Multiple Imputation by Event Chain Methodology for Repair of Imperfect Event Logs with Missing Data
- Pieter De Koninck and Jochen De Weerdt, Scalable Mixed-Paradigm Trace Clustering using Super-Instances
13:30-15:00 AUTOMATED PROCESS DISCOVERY (Session Chair: Dirk Fahland)
- Sander J.J. Leemans, Erik Poppe and Moe T. Wynn, Directly Follows-Based Process Mining: Exploration & a Case Study
- Roee Shraga, Avigdor Gal, Dafna Schumacher, Arik Senderovich and Matthias Weidlich, Inductive Context-aware Process Discovery
- Robin Bergenthum, Prime Miner – Process Discovery using Prime Event Structures
15:30-17:00 PROCESS MINING APPLICATIONS (Session Chair: Artem Polyvyanyy)
- Felix Mannhardt, Petter Arnesen and Andreas Dypvik Landmark, Estimating the Impact of Incidents on Process Delay
- Souad Ramadan, Halim Ibrahim Baqapuri, Erik Roecher and Klaus Mathiak, Process mining of logged gaming behavior during functional magnetic resonance imaging
- João Caldeira, Fernando Brito E Abreu, José Reis and Jorge Cardoso, Assessing Software Development Teams’ Efficiency using Process Mining
17:15-18:15 INVITED TUTORIAL (Session Chair: Moe Wynn)
TUESDAY, June 25, 2019 – Room – Club Lounge 1
(ICPM Industry Day)
09:00-10:30 Session 1 (Session Chair: Wil van der Aalst)
- 09:00-09:10 Opening by Wil van der Aalst (RWTH / Fraunhofer)
- 09:10-09:30 Process Mining in the Era of the Digital Twin of an Organization by Marc Kerremans (Gartner)
- 09:30-10:00 Process Mining at Scale – the plea for a technical Process Mining reference model by Julian Lebherz (Deloitte)
- 10:00-10:30 How to add Process Mining to the Auditor’s toolbox by Marc Gittler and Patrick Greifzu (DHL)
11:00-12:30 Session 2 (Session Chair: Marc Kerremans)
- 11:00-11:30 Credem Digital Transformation with DTO and Process Mining by Piergiorgio Grossi (Credem Banca)
- 11:30-12:00 Entrepreneurial behavior in a DAX company. Can Process Mining be established bottom up only? by Carsten Schöne (Merck)
- 12:00-12:30 (Session Chair: Bas van Zelst) Tool demo teasers
13:30-15:00 Session 3 (Session Chair: Marc Kerremans)
- 13:30-14:00 Opportunities and challenges applying Process Mining in financial audits by Michael Wiese (Ernst & Young)
- 14:00-14:30 Process Mining at Medtronic – Our success formula to enable business value by Bart Prudon (Medtronic)
- 14:30:15:00 Practical implementation of Process Mining at Large North American Financial Services enterprises by David Whyte (Canadian Financial Services)
15:30-16:30 Session 4 (Session Chair: Wil van der Aalst)
- 15:30-16:00 Unlocking Digital Transformation – the Human Touch by Gia-Thi Nguyen (Siemens)
- 16:00-16:30 Process Wind Tunnel for Improving Business Processes Sudhendu Rai (AIG Investments)
16:30-17:15 Panel Session
Chaired by Marc Karremans (Gartner) and Wil van der Aalst (RWTH Aachen and Fraunhofer FIT). Panelists: Alexander Rinke (Celonis), Anne Rozinat (Fluxicon), Christiaan Esmeijer (ProcessGold), Elham Ramezani (KPMG), Fabrice Baranski (Logpickr), Gia-Thi Nguyen (Siemens), Julian Krumeich (Software AG), Kleber Stroeh (Everflow), Marc Gittler (DHL), Massimiliano Delsante (Cognitive Technology), Michael Wiese (Ernst & Young), Julian Lebherz (Deloitte), Rasto Hlavac (Minit), Sofia Passova (StereoLOGIC), Teemu Letho (QPR Software), Thijs van de Weijer (Bright Cape), Thomas Baier (Lana Labs), and Tobias Rother (Process Analytics Factory).
17:15-18:00 Get-Together
18:30-01:00 Celonis ICPM After-Party (for ICPM participants only). Registration is mandatory – click here!
WEDNESDAY, June 26, 2019, Room – Club Lounge 1
(Research Day 2)
09:00-10:30 CONFORMANCE CHECKING (Session Chair: Benoît Depaire)
- Alifah Syamsiyah and Boudewijn F. van Dongen – Improving Alignment Computation using Model-based Preprocessing
- Artem Polyvyanyy and Anna Kalenkova – Monotone Conformance Checking for Partially Matching Designed and Observed Processes
- Marco Pegoraro and Wil van der Aalst – Mining Uncertain Event Data in Process Mining
What are the upcoming trends in process mining? And the passing fads? Where will process mining lead us in five years from now? What functionality will survive, evolve or die out? What will be the next wave of compelling applications after healthcare and finance? Listen to the panel chaired by Marcello La Rosa (University of Melbourne) featuring a team of seasoned process mining experts, coming both from academia and industry: Elham Ramezani (KPMG), Ingo Weber (Data 61/ TU Berlin), Marc Kerremans (Gartner), Marlon Dumas (University of Tartu), and Mieke Jans (Hasselt University). (See separate page)
13:30-15:00 DATA ANALYSIS & MONITORING (Session Chair: Andrea Burattin)
- Bram Knols and Jan Martijn van der Werf – Measuring Log Sampling Quality
- Pavlos Delias, Mehdi Acheli and Daniela Grigori – Applying the Method of Reflections through an Event Log for Evidence-based Process Innovation
- Patrik Koenig, Juergen Mangler and Stefanie Rinderle-Ma – Compliance Monitoring on Process Event Streams from Multiple Sources
15:30-17:00 PREDICTIVE MONITORING (Session Chair: Boudewijn van Dongen)
- Gyunam Park and Minseok Song -Prediction-based Resource Allocation using LSTM and maximum flow and minimum cost algorithm
- Vincenzo Pasquadibisceglie, Annalisa Appice, Giovanna Castellano and Donato Malerba – Using Convolution Neural Networks for Predictive Process Analytics
- Vadim Denisov, Dirk Fahland and Wil M.P. van der Aalst – Predictive Performance Monitoring of Material Handling Systems Using the Performance Spectrum
17:15-18:15 TOOL DEMO FAIR
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