The research area of process mining has always been firmly grounded in applications from real life. The close relation with industry is one that is fostered by process mining researchers and practitioners alike. The ICPM conference is a platform for researchers to meet and discuss advances state of the art, whether these advances are of a technical nature or more application oriented. The community values strong technical contributions as highly as truly innovative case studies.
The main purpose of the ICPM conference is to allow researchers in this area to come together and meet while discussing new ideas or new applications. The conference provides a platform to present these ideas, either at the main conference on Tuesday or Thursday, or in more specialized workshops on Monday. Furthermore, the doctoral consortium allows doctoral students to discuss their work together in an informal setting.
The industry day literally lies at the center of the conference. On Wednesday, we offer a platform to process mining practitioners to showcase how process mining helped them to improve their businesses. Other practitioners can learn from their colleagues’ experiences and scientists can identify the next research challenges.