From September 10 to 15, 2017, many process mining researchers came together at the BPM Conference in Barcelona. It was there that a small group of people seriously discussed to organize a conference dedicated to the research topic of process mining. After over 10 years of research, we felt the time was right for this event. The process mining community today is an established research community, with publications in top conferences and journals, over 30 commercial process mining vendors, and thousands of organizations already applying process mining.
The initial idea uttered by a few people enjoying the Barcelona autumn has led to the researchers in this discipline teaming up to organize the first ICPM conference in Aachen and this turned out to be an immediate success. Over 420 participants attended the first process mining conference. About 33% academics, 23% tool providers, and 43% end users and consultants. The interaction between top scientists, the leading vendors, and people that applied process mining at a large scale created a unique atmosphere.
After the success of the first edition in Aachen, the ICPM 2020 conference was organized by the Department of Mathematics of University of Padua. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held online, but it was a great success nonetheless. Leaders working on process mining were present, as well as the leading businesses and vendors in process mining. The ICPM 2020 edition had a diversified program, including exciting scientific talks, tool demonstrations, contests, and awards. Workshops on emerging topics and an industry day of excellent speakers complemented the program.