ML4PM Predictive process monitoring
Aud 1 Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenPODS4H Full Papers 1
Aud 2 Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenEdbA Pattern Discovery
Aud 5 Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenSA4PM Keynote
Aud 7 Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenSA4PM’21 Keynote Talk We are excited to announce that Matthias Weidlich will be the Keynote Speaker of SA4PM’21. From Complex Event Recognition to Processes and Back – A Reflection on Existing Solutions and Open Challenges The integration of complex event recognition and models that guide the design and analysis of processes is beneficial for various reasons. Complex event recognition supports the abstraction of event data to conduct process mining; it enriches the expressiveness of process models in terms of the Read More ...
TPSA Research-in-Progress
Aud 8 Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenCoffee / Tea
Senaatszaal, Auditorium Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenSA4PM Posters
Aud 7 Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenML4PM Prescriptive and Responsible process mining
Aud 1 Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenPODS4H Full Papers 2
Aud 2 Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenEdbA Beyond traditional event logs
Aud 5 Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenSA4PM Full papers
Aud 7 Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenTPSA Full Papers
Aud 8 Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenLunch
Atlas, north side Atlas 5612,, EindhovenML4PM Poster Session
Aud 1 Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenPODS4H Alliance Panel
Aud 2 Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenRound-table community meeting to present recent alliance initiatives, as well as future community efforts, projects, collaborations, papers,… All participants are welcome!
EdbA IoT
Aud 5 Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenPQMI Keynote
Aud 7 Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenCelonis PQL: A Query Language for Process Mining Keynote by Jessica Ambrosy from Celonis
Coffee / Tea
Senaatszaal, Auditorium Auditorium 5612,, EindhovenML4PM Panel: Machine Learning and Process Mining – Marriage or Cohabitation?
Aud 1 Auditorium 5612,, Eindhoven