Call for Submissions to the ICPM Industry Day
The Benefits of Presenting the Process Mining Case of your Company
● Present your case and discuss it with peers
● Publish your case in an international book
● Network with global experts
● Attract talent
The International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM) is the prime event on the research and practice of process mining. The ICPM Industry Day serves as a forum that brings together industry and academia to exchange ideas and experiences, and stimulate mutual cooperation. The target audience for that day includes business analysts, process managers, chief information officers, chief operations officers, digital transformation managers, project managers, process consultants, industrial researchers and technology providers.
The Industry Day focuses on cutting-edge, real-world experiences with leveraging process mining to achieve operational excellence and drive innovation within organizations. We warmly welcome contributions from any industry sector, as well as from the public sector. Submissions on ongoing or closed projects that also include an academic or industry partner are welcome as well.
The format of the Industry Day will be structured as to be highly interactive and discussion-oriented. The accepted submissions will present their work in a talk of 20 minutes followed by a discussion of 10 minutes. The talks are meant to stimulate conversation on a wide range of topics that relate to process mining. Additionally, we will organize focused debates on current hot topics that will include both industrial and academic participants who will share their viewpoints.
Submission Instructions
If you are interested in delivering a talk as part of the Industry Day, please submit a proposal of up to two pages long. We seek to receive contributions from industrial practitioners working in companies that apply process mining, not from vendors or consultants. If a proposal has multiple authors, each team must include at least one such practitioner. Submissions by vendors or service providers only will not be accepted.
Proposals should describe the following:
- Introduction – What is the story of the case? A brief narrative of the entire case informs readers by summarizing its key aspects (e.g., goal, approach, impact).
- Situation faced – What was the initial problem or opportunity that led to the action taken? The context of the case is specified concerning needs, stakeholders, constraints, incidents, and objectives.
- Action taken – What was done? What actions were taken, such as in regard to process redesign or process innovation? How does technology facilitate innovation? What methods and approaches were used? What were roadblocks and how did you overcome these?
- Results achieved – What short, mid and long-term effects result from the actions taken? Results could take the form of changes in performance measures and/or qualitative statements from employees, customers, and other business partners. To what degree were expectations met or not met? What was the benefit and what was the overall effort?
- Lessons learned – What did the organization learn from the case? What can others learn (e.g., design principles, success factors)? What would you do differently? Lessons learned are grounded in the case and serve as example for others.
Note that the focus of the proposal should be put on the description of practical experiences as well as lessons learned from an end-user viewpoint. A proposal should not be used as an opportunity to promote any software tools. The presenter may mention the tool used and show screenshots if required, but that should be intended as a means to aid the illustration of the application case, rather than as an expedient to promote a specific tool, let alone to compare it with other tools.
Please submit your proposal as a PDF (A4, font times new roman, 11pt, 1.5 spacing) to the Industry Day Chairs Laura Henkel (Zalando SE) and Jan Mendling (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) via using the subject [ICPM Industry Day].
Evaluation Criteria
Each proposal will be evaluated according to the interest and relevance of the problem or use case being presented, the ease of transferring the solution adopted to similar contexts or scenarios, and clarity of the presentation. Contributors may be invited to provide more information about their proposal for a talk via an online video call.
Key Dates
- Deadline for submissions: 20 May 2022
- Notification of acceptance: 15 June 2022
- Industry Day: 26 October 2022
Laura Henkel, Zalando SE
Jan Mendling, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin