Call for Best Process Mining PhD Dissertation Award 2024

The IEEE Task Force for Process Mining is happy to announce the 2024 edition of the Best Process Mining PhD Dissertation Award.

The award will be delivered during the 6th International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2024).

Eligibility – updated criteria

Eligible candidates are those who officially obtained a PhD degree defended after January 1st, 2022, with a dissertation focused on process mining. Those who applied for the 2023 edition of the prize can also reapply for the 2024 edition.

We welcome theses that contributed to advancing the state of the art in the foundations, engineering, and on-field application of process mining techniques. In this context, the term “process mining” has to be understood in a broad sense: using event data produced during the execution of business, software, or system processes, in order to extract fact-based knowledge and insights on such processes and manage future processes in innovative ways.

For a thesis to be eligible, we also require that thesis-related results have been published in at least one flagship conference/journal for process mining, for example, ICPM, BPM, CAiSE, EDOC, Petri Nets, ICDM, Information Systems, IEEE TKDE, DKE, ACM TOSEM, IEEE TSC, IEEE TSE, ToPNoC, Decision Support Systems, and BISE. We remark that applications to other dissertation award initiatives are permitted.


The winner will receive the award at the ICPM 2024 Conference.

The award comes with a free registration to the ICPM 2024 conference, and with the option of publishing the thesis with Springer, in the LNBIP series.

Nomination and Submission

Candidates are nominated by their primary supervisor via a nomination letter. Each supervisor is only allowed to nominate one candidate. The candidate is responsible for submitting the application via Easychair ( selecting the “Best Process Mining PhD Dissertation Award” track.

The application consists of the following parts, which have all to be concatenated in a single PDF file (respecting the order):

  1. An extended abstract of the thesis, positioning the work in the state of the art and highlighting its main results, novelty, and (potential) impact [3-5 pages]
  2. A nomination letter by the supervisor [1-2 pages]
  3. The PhD evaluation report, including the reviews of the dissertation
  4. Full CV of the candidate, including the list of publications
  5. The dissertation itself

Questions and enquiries can be directed to the chair of the jury: Artem Polyvyanyy.

Selection Process

The selection process consists of two steps:

  1. Each thesis is individually reviewed by 2 or 3 jury members. All jury members process all reviews individually and submit a ranking of potential winners.
  2. During a plenary jury discussion, the winning candidate will be decided upon.

The selection is based on the following criteria:

  • originality and depth of contribution;
  • methodological soundness;
  • form and quality of presentation;
  • significance and potential impact for the research field;

implemented techniques and software availability in case of the algorithmic nature of the contribution.

Key Dates

Evaluation Panel (Tentative)

  • Application submission deadline: July 12, 2024 July 26, 2024 (AOE)
  • Wil van der Aalst, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
  • Jochen De Weerdt, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • Chiara Di Francescomarino, University of Trento, Italy
  • Boudewijn van Dongen, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
  • Hajo Reijers, Utrecht University, Netherlands
  • Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
  • Arik Senderovich, York University, Canada
  • Tijs Slaats, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Moe Wynn, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
