ICPM 24 Hackathon


DateStart timeEnd timeActivityRoomAudience
Wednesday 1612:0512:15Hackathon kick-offAuditorium 81Everyone
Wednesday 1613:3014:00Finalizing list of partcipating teamsRoom H010Hackathon Participants
Wednesday 1615:0015:25Q&A with Business Challenge Owner – Session 1OnlineHackathon Participants and Business Challenge Owner
Thursday 178:008:25Q&A with Business Challenge Owner – Session 2OnlineHackathon Participants and Business Challenge Owner
Thursday 179:509:55Announcement of top 3 teamsAuditorium 81Everyone
Thursday 1710:3011:00Q&A with Business Challenge Owner – Session 3OnlineHackathon Participants and Business Challenge Owner
Thursday 1713:3014:30Hackathon pitches (3*20 minutes)Auditorium 82 and 83Everyone
Thursday 1714:3014:35Hackathon evaluation | Public votingAuditorium 82 and 83Everyone
Thursday 1714:4515:00Announcement of the winnerAuditorium 82 and 83Everyone

What is the ICPM 24 Hackathon?

In October, over the course of two days process scientists, business experts and storytellers from around the world come together for this global hackathon. ICPM 24 HACKATHON participants and its technology partners create in-person and virtual teams to address challenges using free and open data provided by an industry partner.

What is the purpose of ICPM 24 HACKATHON ?

When you participate in the ICPM 24 HACKATHON, you join a global community that embraces collaboration across sectors and expertise. While the top project will be recognized as the winner, ICPM 24 HACKATHON is all about collaboration! Our mission is focused on the following objectives:

  • Inspire collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking
  • Foster interest in process and data science
  • Raise global awareness of ICPM
  • Solve real world business challenges

In other words, you do not need to be a coder or data expert to be a part of the ICPM 24 HACKATHON. Teams with the most diverse sets of skills are the most successful. All skill levels and professional backgrounds are welcome. At ICPM 24 HACKATHON, there’s always space for one more!

Participation in the ICPM 24 Hackathon

You can take part in the ICPM 24 HACKATHON either individually (i.e., create a team by yourself) or as part of a larger team. For instructions on how to create or join a team, please refer to the instructions in the section “CREATING AND JOINING TEAMS” on this page.

Participants in the ICPM 24 Hackathon are required to respond to the business questions presented by the challenge owner of ICPM 24 using the provided data set.

The ICPM 24 HACKATHON consists of five steps:

  • Step 1: The hackathon will commence on Wednesday Oct. 16, 2024. On this day, business questions and their respective data sets will be shared in the morning, just before the hackathon begins.
  • Step 2: Teams or individuals should submit a video summarizing draft result, with a maximum length of 5 minutes, by 06:59 AM on Thursday Oct. 17, 2024. The video should be uploaded to YouTube or other streaming services and be made publicly accessible. A link to the video should be submitted using the following form: https://forms.gle/zqoebQb1KnRVsf6V6
  • Step 3: The second day of the Hackathon will commence at 9:50 AM on Thursday Oct. 17, 2024, during which the evaluation committee will announce the 3 teams who will proceed with the hackathon.
  • Step 4: The selected 3 teams should submit their draft results, in form of a presentation, to the evaluation committee, by 13:29 on Thursday Oct. 17, 2024. The presentation should be submitted as a single PDF file via the ICPM 2024 submission website on EasyChair (see https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icpm2024) by selecting the “Industry Track: Hackathon” track.
  • Step 5: The final presentation of the hackathon results and nomination of the winner will be done during the afternoon of Thursday Oct.17 2024.

During the hackathon, there will be some meetings with the data owner. See the agenda for the timing and venue of the Q&A sessions with Business Challenge Owner.

Evaluation of Projects at the ICPM 24 Hackathon

The evaluation committee of ICPM 24 HACKTHON consists of:

  • A representative from business challenge owner
  • A representative from Academia
  • Industry chairs

The evaluation committee will pre-select 3 teams to continue with the hackathon based on the submission of a maximum 5-minute video containing draft results, as outlined in Step 2 and Step 3 of the “PARTICIPATION IN ICPM 24 HACKATHON” section in this page.

The 3 teams/individuals chosen will be invited to present to the ICPM community at 13:30 on Thursday Oct. 17, 2024. Both the evaluation committee and participants of the ICPM Industry Day will vote to nominate the winner of the ICPM 24 HACKATHON.

The breakdown of votes for the final winner nomination is as follows:

  • Representative Business Challenge Owner: 2 votes
  • Representative of Academia: 1 vote
  • Industry chairs: 1 vote
  • ICPM Industry Day participants: 1 vote

The evaluation criteria include:

  • Comprehensiveness in addressing business questions
  • Effectiveness of the provided solutions for the business challenge owner
  • Novelty of the techniques and solutions presented
  • Clarity and effectiveness of the final results presentation

Creating and joining teams

To register your participation to the hackathon, please fill in the following form: https://forms.gle/igihRXhepMLr6nSQ9

Currently registered teams and team members are visible at the following link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PH4ru9d_ZgP4VL-gvHen2iidEFsbhq-1B-sFMfdwaS4/edit?gid=1168039189#gid=1168039189

To coordinate the teams organization, feel free to use the Slack channel available at https://join.slack.com/t/icpm2024hackathon/shared_invite/zt-2re0ms5w6-H1VNdlGYEZOkYY7QB7Ycww.

If you want to join an existing team, please specify the name of that team (as shown in the “Team name” column in the above spreadsheet) in the “Team name” field when registering your participation.

If you want to create a new team, please make sure to use a team name that has not already been taken.

While you may be on a team by yourself, we highly recommend that you work with other participants. Although teams can be hybrid, it is mandatory for at least one person from each team to be physically present on-site at ICPM 24 HACKATHON.

Creating teams is possible at any time until Sunday Oct.6 23:59 PM.

Tools to be used during the ICPM Hackathon

During the hackathon, participants are encouraged to utilize a range of technical tools and software, whether open source or commercial. Some solution vendors are offering free or trial licenses for use during the event.


If you wish to access the Apromore tool, please fill out the form at this link: https://forms.office.com/r/TigiBi8YhE. Following registration, you will receive the necessary credentials, as well as links to our process mining 101 online tutorial and documentation. The Apromore team will be available at their booth to provide in-person assistance, and you can also request support via email, with the contact information provided after submitting the access request form.


To request a license for ARIS for use during the hackathon, please send an email to aris-icpm2024@softwareag.com. The ARIS team will be available at their booth to offer in-person assistance.

Microsoft Power Automate Products

For Microsoft Power Automate Products, simply visit the Power Platform Trial page at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/try-free to register for a free trial, which includes a capacity of 100MB event log size for process mining. You can also explore other options to obtain trial licenses for additional Power Platform products.


Who can participate in the ICPM Hackathon?

The ICPM 24 HACKATHON for everyone, including those who have never “hacked” before! All passionate problem solvers, from students to life-long learners, are encouraged to join. While some parts of our challenges are technical, others ask you to use creativity and business acumen.

In other words, you do not need to be a coder or data expert to be a part of the ICPM 24 HACKATHON. Teams with the most diverse sets of skills are often the most successful!

Does it cost anything to participate?

There is no cost to participate in the ICPM 24 HACKATHON.

Do I need to register at ICPM 24 to be able to participate in the hackathon?

You can participate in ICPM 24 HACKATHON without registering in the conference. However, you need to register as specified in the section “CREATING AND JOINING TEAMS” on this page.

Do I need to be physically present at ICPM 24 in order to attend the HACKATHON?

Teams have the flexibility to be formed as hybrid, with members either present in person at ICPM or attending remotely. However, it is a requirement for at least one person from each team to be physically present on-site at ICPM 24 HACKATHON.