Source: Uruguay XXI
I am delighted and honored to welcome you to the beautiful and vibrant city of Montevideo, Uruguay, over the River Plate, for the 7th International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2025) bringing the conference for the first time to Latin America. The 2025 edition of ICPM will be held from October 20 to October 24, 2025, at Facultad de Ingeniería (FING), Universidad de la República (UdelaR).
The conference is organized by the COAL research group of the Instituto de Computación (InCo), FING, UdelaR. InCo was a pioneer in Latin America in the development of computer science careers in the ICT area, offering nowadays several undergraduate and graduate academic and professional options widely recognized in the region. Uruguay has a thriving software industry leader in Latin America with several national and international enterprises in Montevideo, as well as a public sector leader in e-Government index, and a constant technological development, embracing new ideas, technologies and tools.
ICPM has consolidated as the leading event for process mining, where key actors such as vendors, consultants, customers, end-users, students and researches can meet to discuss ideas, share insights, foster innovation, and explore new frontiers in the field. ICPM in Montevideo will continue this tradition, providing a unique opportunity to bring together the Latin American and International scientific process mining community, as well as software enterprises and professionals, with an appealing scientific and industry program, promoting new collaborations and networking opportunities.
We are looking forward to meeting you all in Montevideo, Uruguay !
Andrea Delgado
ICPM 2025 General Chair