ICPM 2025 seeks proposals for one-day or half-day workshops to be held the day prior to the main conference. Workshops facilitate the exchange of ideas and experiences among active researchers, practitioners and vendors, and stimulate discussions on new and emerging perspectives in Process Mining. We encourage workshop proposals that expand or reinforce the scope of topics and paradigms represented at the main conference, covering a broad area, and avoiding excessively narrow topics.
To stimulate discussion and interaction beyond what is possible in a plenary conference session, we support two forms of proposal this year:
- Traditional workshops, consisting primarily of the plenary presentation of submitted and peer-reviewed papers. We strongly encourage proposals of this type to also consider including a more interactive session, such as poster discussion. Research papers will be published by Springer as a post-workshop proceedings volume in the series Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP). Due to editorial requirements, traditional workshops are expected to have an acceptance rate for research papers published in the LNBIP series of not more than 50%.
- Fully interactive workshops, consisting solely of sessions that actively engage the audience. Such sessions may include, but are not limited to, panel or debate sessions, interactive tutorials, brainstorming or co-creation sessions, manifesto/paper writing sessions, or poster/lightning-talk sessions. Proposals of this type should include a plan for dissemination (for example, a document describing the outcomes of the workshop, uploaded to an open repository such as arXiv or Zenodo, or a self-published poster or collection of abstracts on the workshop webpage).
The decision on the acceptance of the workshop will be based on various criteria and taken by the workshop chairs in consultation with the general chairs and the steering committee of ICPM. The workshop proposers should have a strong affinity with the proposed workshop topic and be well-connected with experts on that topic. The workshop itself should provide a forum for important, innovative, and timely topics of process mining, be broad enough to attract a large potential audience and be structured to encourage discussion and collaboration within the community.
Beyond these aspects, the workshop chairs will ensure that the accepted workshops as a whole cover a broad spectrum of the Process Mining research discipline. To this end, there will be a negotiation phase in which we seek to consolidate, merge or mark off promising workshop proposals that show overlap. The submission system installation alongside the required setups and other organizational details will be communicated to all workshop organisers in due time.
The traditional workshop proceedings will be made available after the conference, while a collection of pre-prints will be made available in time for the workshop day for attendees to consult. Finally, workshops that only manage to get less than 3 accepted papers may be asked to merge with another workshop.
Workshop proposals should include the following items:
- Title: The title of the workshop and an acronym.
- Type of workshop: Traditional or fully interactive.
- Theme: An outline of the workshop theme, goals, and the intended audience.
- Duration: Full-day or a half-day event (tentative).
- Activities: Intended activities and proposed planning.
- Organizers: A brief biography of each workshop organizer.
- Potential Audience: A brief statement that states how the workshops would be able to attract a sufficiently large audience, including a list of potential researchers who have worked on (some of) the topics of the workshop.
- Promotion: The complete plan of activities envisioned to stimulate submissions to the workshop. The plan must include precise details, e.g., the specific mailing lists.
- Community Interaction: A description of how you plan to facilitate audience and wider community interaction before and during the workshop, for example through the planning of interactive sessions.
For traditional workshops:
- Submissions: The targeted number of submissions for the LNBIP proceedings. For existing workshops include the number of past submissions and accepted papers.
- Call for Papers: The tentative Call for Papers, including a tentative PC list.
For fully interactive workshops:
- Dissemination plan: A plan for how the results of the workshop will be disseminated.
- Call for Papers: If relevant for the format, the tentative Call for Papers, including a tentative PC list.
Workshop proposals must be submitted as a PDF document via EasyChair at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icpm2025 (ICPM 2025 Workshops track).
In the submission panel, please write a brief synopsis of the workshop in the “Abstract” field, and three to five keywords that characterize the topics of interest.
Please direct any inquiries and requests for additional information about the organization of workshops to the chairs at: icpm2025-workshops@easychair.org
Important dates
- Workshop proposal deadline: February 14, 2025 (AoE)
- Acceptance/rejection/negotiation notification: March 7, 2025 (AoE)
- Abstract Submission: July 18, 2025 (AoE)
- Paper Submission: July 25, 2025 (AoE)
- Paper Acceptance Notification: August 22, 2025 (AoE)
- Pre-workshop Camera-Ready Papers: September 22, 2025
- Workshops: October 20, 2025
- Post-workshop Camera-Ready Papers: November 4, 2025
Workshop Chairs
- Claudio Di Ciccio, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
- Marcos Sepúlveda, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile